Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 16: Nakano (November 26th)

Troy and I slept in late, we were exhausted from the weekend trip out to Kyoto and Osaka. Matt had work, but he recommended that we go out to Nakano and visit Nakano Broadway. Troy and I took a train to Shinjuku and from there it was a short train ride to Nakano. We spent nearly the whole day browsing shops in the mall.

Back in college, Matt and I did a project on Evangelion

The entrance to one of the shops

Wasabi and Mayo Pringles

Korean Kimchi Pringles

Books in a vending machine

When you actually carry money, vending machines are addictive

I got a refund when the machine failed to dispense my selection

All the shops had something unique

KFC: Chicken pot pie, fried potatoes, and of course melon cola.

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