Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day 18: Tachikawa + Nakano (November 28th, Thanksgiving)

Troy and I decided to go to the local Parco Mall for a fancy for a Thanksgiving lunch. During lunch we decided to go see a movie in the evening. After lunch, I ended up buying a suitcase, as I had acquired many more souvenirs than I had originally planned. We walked back to the apartment to stow-away the suitcase and look up movie times and locations, we decided on the Persona 3 movie in Tachikawa. From the Chofu station we took the train to Bubaigawara and transferred to Tachikawa.

Hamburger Steak and Eggs with rice, salad, and some custard dish

This was the only exit

In Japan, when you buy tickets for a movie, you buy by the seat. So Troy and I had to buy tickets for that evening. After buying the movie tickets, we explored the local Book-off, after seeing a some-what limited display we decided to go to Nakano Broadway to kill time before the movie.

Chocolate Banana coffee

Nakano Broadway had some really weird things

Really weird things

After exploring the shops, we decided to go into a cafe to kill a little more time. The cafe had a special where you could get all the drinks you wanted for 1000 yen, so we decided on that offer. We had a drunken Japanese man approach us, we suspected that he just wanted to practice his English. He began talking about Spiderman and how "it was the pride of America." As amusing as the conversation was, we decided to leave when he began repeating the conversation. After leaving the Cafe, we went took the train back to Tachikawa. The mall outside of the train station had some Christmas lights, so I took a few pictures as we walked to the theater.

Everyone crowded in the same section of the movie theater

Outside the Parco Mall

After the movie, it was late and we had to hurry back to Chofu before the trains stopped running. Christmas decorations had been put up while we were gone, I took a picture of the Balloon Santas. We returned to the apartment to turn in just after midnight, about an hour later I woke up to a small earthquake. I asked Troy and Matt the next morning, but they had slept through it.

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