Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 20: Shinjuku + Shibuya + Ebisu (November 30th)

It was Troy's last day, so at his request we went to Mister Donut for breakfast. Unfortunately, Mister Donut only had donuts for breakfast. After breakfast we went back to the apartment so that he could finish packing his bag and accomplish other final stuff before he left. I began packing my two suit cases and carry-on. While I was packing, I got an email from my friend Ian, we made plans to meet up that evening. After we finished packing, Matt treated us to lunch at an Indian/Nepalase restaurant.

My coffee didn't need sugar

I repacked my suitcase several times over

After lunch, I helped Troy with his luggage from Chofu to Shinjuku station. He bought his ticket for the Narita Express, I waited with him until his train arrived. I bid him a farewell and went for stroll around Shinjuku station for a final lay of the land.

Apparently "The pride of America"

After traversing what I suspect was the entire station, I went and purchased my Narita Express ticket for the following day. I managed to find a wifi spot near the ticket office and I got in touch with Ian. We decided to meet up in Ebisu and grab a few drinks. He and I started with some plum sake and eventually found ourselves in a bar where we bought some imported beers. I had not seen Ian since we were freshmen at USC, he transferred to Clemson sophomore year. We caught up on about 6 years of life. Eventually we had to go our separate ways, ironically we parted at the Hachiko statue. 

Monty Python

Christmas Ale

From Shibuya station, I took the Yamanote line back to Shinjuku. From Shinjuku, I jumped on the new Keio line back to Chofu. On the way back to the apartment, I stopped in the local Coco Curry Ichibanya for one final meal of curry. After dinner, I thanked the shop owner with "Gochisousama deshita" and purchased some instant curry before finally heading back to the apartment. At the apartment, I packed and repacked my suitcases several times before finally getting to bed.

Best Curry ever

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