Saturday, January 2, 2016

Flight: (January 1st -> January 2nd)

Anna and I packed our bags and headed to GSP around 5 am. We both slept on the flight to ORD, and from ORD to NRT we had 13 hours of trying to sleep while watching movies.

Our Route, the ANA plane also had a camera view but it was mostly clouds.

A lot of the foreign movies/tv shows had really bad descriptions.

When we landed, we went through immigration. We got our bags, then we went through customs. After officially being in Japan, we exchanged our USD for YEN. I made a mistake with how much cash I had (and extra $1), and the currency exchanged showed me, so I could correct it. After getting currency we decided to rent a cell phone, which was an interesting attempt for me to speak Japanese. I kept forgetting Japanese words, so I'd use English in their place. (i.e. "Keitai rental" for "Cellphone rental"). Next we bought our tickets on the Narita Express, using our passports we got a discount on the return trip. Fortunately NEX goes to Tokyo, then Shibuya.

An app I used on my previous trip, that helped us find our easiest path to Shibuya.

Our hotel information in Shibuya.

When we got off the train, we exited out at Hachiko's Gate. From there we found our way to the APA Hotel. I grabbed some snacks for dinner out of the Family Mart, but we both were exhausted, so we went to sleep when we got in the room.

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