Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 10: Asakusa + Kanda (November 20th)

Beef Gyuudon and Miso Soup

Troy and I grabbed an early lunch at Yoshinoya (as it was too early for the curry shop). After lunch we took the train from Chofu to Shinjuku, from Shinjuku we took the train to Kanda (Its kanji mean "God and Field"). So we browsed around the arcades and a few things in the area. We didn't make it out to the shrines, temples, or anything like that.

The arcade that we had been in the previous day

The only pinball machines that we've seen

Taito Arcade

After spending maybe an hour in Kanda, we took the train Asakusabashi and then switched to the subway to ride to Asakusa. After we got off the train, we went to the tourist trap know as Kaminarimon (literally: "The Lightning Gate"). I spent more on souvenirs than I care to admit (obviously no pictures of souvenirs for friends).


Right hand means inviting wealth
Left hand means inviting good friends

100 Yen Mikuji fortune

Bad fortune: Apparently my marriage is bad and so is my employment
(I had better not get married and I should get souvenirs for my co-workers)

censer: whiff its fumes for good health

Troy being photogenic

Chocolate Banana Taiyaki

Azuki (red bean) Taiyaki

After spending several hours (and easily 10,000 yen) in Asakusa's temple and surrounding shops, Troy and I decided to head back towards the apartment. At the Ochanomizu stop, Troy decided to return to Akihabara. I decided to just go back. When I got to Shinjuku, I decided to explore around the station before finally heading back to Chofu.

After returning to Chofu, I grabbed dinner at my favorite Curry Shop. After dinner, I returned to the apartment to drop off all the souvenirs/presents, before going to the 7/11 to buy some Japanese candies for gifts. At the 7/11 I spent enough yen to do 3 random drawings and each won me a prize.

A Salami Stick, 5 Hygene Masks, and a neat Caligraphy-like Pen

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