Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 8: Akihabara (November 18th)

Troy and I grabbed an early lunch at the curry shop near the apartment. I successfully ordered mine to be spicier. During lunch, we decided to head back to Akihabara for the day. The train system from Shinjuku to Akihabara proved to be much more difficult this time around, we lost maybe 45 minutes trying to navigate stops. When we got to our stop, I stole some wifi and loaded up my gps's local maps. We then browsed the shops and I bought a few souvenirs. I always find the shops with English names to be funny; Book-Off, Hard-Off, Hobby-Off, I think they are all the same kind of store with used goods.

Finally a crane machine that I can understand

Gum, I think

Hello Kitty

I see nothing wrong with this

Princess Monoke lawn ornaments

A light saber

Interestingly enough, not many people own personal computers in Japan

One Piece is very popular in Japan

My camera did this no justice, but it was amazingly detailed

Darth Vader Tie

More Ties

Akiba at night

Troy and I spent the entire day in Akihabara, around 6 pm we headed back to Chofu. We ran into a lot of people getting off work and heading home on the subway. After transfering to Ochanomizu (literally: "Tea water"), Troy made the comment that we should have just chilled at a maid cafe (next time we visit Akiba, we'll probably do that) to avoid the rush hour traffic.

Probably a fire hazard

Horse Racing is really big here

After returning to the Chofu, we grabbed dinner seperately. I went to McDonalds and Troy went to KFC. I channeled my inner Otaku by reading some manga and playing some video games before finally going to bed.

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