Monday, November 11, 2013

Jet Lag

My flight landed at around 3:45 pm (local time) in Narita. Immediately upon exiting the plane, I had to go through customs and immigration in order to obtain a visitor stamp in my passport.

After exiting customs, I turned on my phone and immediately noticed that I had no signal and/or network (thanks Verizon Wireless!), so getting in touch with my friends became a bit of a task. After exchanging all of my USD to yen, I found a small internet cafe and paid for access for 30 minutes. In Japan, apparently Internet Explorer is the browser of choice and Yahoo is everyone's homepage (Something, I'm very disappointed in). I went through emails and messages, and I managed to get all the contact information I needed before deciding to rent a basic phone for my entire duration in Japan.

Surprisingly, in Japan email is used instead of text messaging. So you require a phone number to call and an email to "text."

After an hour of "telephone tag," I finally found my cousin in the airport. We bought train tickets from Narita to Tokyo (with a transfer to Shinjuku). Around 10 pm, we met up with everyone in Shinjuku station and headed to their place in Chofu. We dropped our stuff off and grabbed a late dinner.

Beef Gyuudon and Miso soup

After dinner, we headed back to their place. Finally after roughly 36 consecutive hours of no sleep I fell asleep on the floor.

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