Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 3: Tokyo + Shinjuku + Ikebukuro (November 13th)

I decide to started my day off with my favorite breakfast, a chicken biscuit. Unfortunately, I haven't seen a chic-fil-a anywhere, so I went to the "next best" thing, McDonalds. The chicken biscuit I ate, had cheese, egg, and the chicken patty, all served in an English muffin. It still astonishes me, that McDonalds has food that is actually edible.

Food is so much better here.

After breakfast, Troy, Jay, and I took the train to Tokyo. We planned to see both the Skytree and Tokyo Tower. Despite living here for about two years, Jay said that he had never visited either site. Our first site to see was Tokyo Tower.

Tokyo Tower as we came out of the Train Station

Mt. Fuji is roughly 50 miles away.
 We weren't able to see it, because of the clouds.

I got several many pictures of Tokyo. Afterwards, we headed down to the lower decks where we could find food and souvenirs. My working Japanese is still very limited, so I probably came off as impolite while buying a few souvenirs. We decided to eat curry for lunch at the Tower.

Curry Labs, they take their curry science seriously.

Vegetable Curry
 This tasted more like Indian Curry than actual Japanese curry.

Our stay at Tokyo Tower ran much later than we expected. By the time we left, large tourist groups had shown up, Jay mentioned that Skytree was newer and probably wouldn't be worth our time to visit, so we decided to save it for another day. We went to Ikebukuro, to visit "J-World." I had assumed that it was just a manga shop that featured a lot of Jump Manga, but it is actually a kids' amusement park (or something like that) inside of a mall.

Despite being our group being into that kind of stuff, we did not go inside.

We left the mall and walked the streets of Ikebukuro. We went to a few arcades, another Book Off, and small vendors on the street.

Camera Shop

More interesting key chains...

Four-player Mario Kart

An arcade game about flipping a table.

Book Off has interesting books

After bumming around Ikebukuro, we met up with Matt for dinner at Shakey's Pizza. In Japan, Mayonnaise is a topping on pizza, its actually pretty good. Japan, also seems to a weird obsession with corn. Its on pizza, in salads, and keeps showing up in random meals. 

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