Monday, November 25, 2013

Day 12: Shinjuku + Shinkansen (November 22nd)

Troy and I woke and packed for the weekend trip. After packing, we took the train to Shinjuku to find the Square Enix cafe. My entire lunch consisted of Final Fantasy themed desserts.

Moogle cappuccino

Chocobo pancakes

Cactar Pudding

I got to keep the cup

Wandering around Shinjuku

After lunch, we bummed around Shinjuku's arcades. Eventually we headed back to Chofu and met up with Matt, before heading to Tokyo Station. Due to some weird circumstance (I think we were supposed to arrive about 30 minutes earlier), we weren't allowed on our Shinkansen and had to take the next one to Kyoto. Unfortunately, this Shinkansen's seats were full so we had to stand for the whole duration of the trip. After arriving in Kyoto, we checked in to the hotel and immediately crashed.

Nagoya (as seen from the Shinkansen)

Super "Dry"

The other Matt

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