Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 9: Ueno + Akihabara (November 19th)

Japan doesn't observe DST and because the days are shorter, sunset is around 4 pm. Many of sights on our list close around sunset, so an early start is essential. Troy and I left Chofu around 10:30, switched trains in Shinjuku (heading towards Ueno) and took a quick lunch break in Kanda. Troy and I spotted a Burger King from the platform and decided to do a small crawl through the area surrounding the area.

Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich


Naturally I got the Teriyaki sandwich

Heading back to the station, we found an arcade. Troy played a few games, I purchased stuff out of the vending machines (I like that they are so convenient and everywhere). After leaving the arcade we grabbed the train to Ueno. Ueno park and surrounding locations are absolutely beautiful.

Finally some cats!
(They were just chilling in the park)

My Cellphone's Camera

My Good Camera

We decided to go to the zoo

They started to box
(I didn't get a good picture)

Akira predicted the 2020 Olympics

After spending nearly the whole day in Ueno, Troy and I took the train back to Akihabara and decided to grab dinner and browse a few more shops. For dinner, we went to the Gundam Cafe. I watched one of the series back in high school; despite not really being a fan, the cafe certainly was worth a visit.

And the menu for my friend Korey

Garma Zabi

The meat obviously screams "Robot Battle Suit"

First Alcoholic beverage since I got to Japan

This was not a fun ride

Shortly after dinner we headed back to Chofu. When we got back, Troy immediately crashed. Matt and I spent the rest of our waking hours planning our trip for the weekend to Kyoto and Osaka.

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